Saturday, October 25, 2008

Believing God

Okay, so I just have to give God some glory tonight because He is good. He is good all the time but today was fun because I'm in the middle of a Beth Moore bible study called 'Believing God' and through the study I have been trying to turn over my money worries to Him and believe Him for His provision. So, when I walk into Old Navy today I get one of their give-a-way coupons and it was for...$50 dollars! I was so excited, so Sawyer and I had a little shopping spree today and we got some cute deals and at the end of the day I ended up with a bag full of clothes for nothing. Thank you God and Old Navy! Hope that you are each blessed today with a little touch of God, Believe Him because He does great things in our lives everyday.

1 comment:

Wilson's Winners said...

That's a great study!!! And oh such a great story you shared...we are always taken care of no matter what!