Friday, July 18, 2008

I Love...

Sidney loves to love things. The other day in the car she looked at me and said 'I Love People'. The past few days she has proclaimed her love to horses, books, hippos, ice cream, Sawyer, Mommy, Daddy, and Jesus. The only thing she has come across that she doesn't like is turkeys, we saw a picture of one in a book and she said, 'I don't like turkeys.' I must admit, they are a little funny looking. Here are some pictures of Sid and Sawyer doing things that they love...

Sidney loves to paint, notice that she is getting just as much on her as on the paper.

As you might know from looking at him, Sawyer loves to eat. My little boy weighs in at a whopping 24 lbs, 12 oz at 10 months. Whew, I'm afraid of the amount he is going to put away when he gets all his teeth in.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Letters and Numbers

So, we are practicing our letters and numbers with Sidney a lot now and teaching her how to spell her name. She can identify all of the alphabet and count to 10 but she adds her own Sidney style. Her favorite letter is 'A' and so everything that we spell starts with an 'A', don't tell her but so does 'Sidney'. As for her numbers, for some reason she doesn't like '7'. She skips it everytime, 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10. Sammy's softball number is '7' but she insists that it is an 8. Hilarious!

Friday, July 11, 2008

A busy week...

We've had a busy past week with Sidney's Aunt Jac-Jac in town. Lots of family time and fun.

Firework watching at Auburn's annual show. The fireworks were gorgeous especially the pastel ones at the end. There was also plenty of natural fireworks as well as a summer storm brought lightening and thunder along with the show. Thanks to the Galimore's for this choo-choo fun. We had a great time at the birthday party!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

There is no better place to be on a summer's evening then at the ballpark. The smells, the dirt, and the sweet voice of Sidney yelling for her Daddy.

Sidney and her Grandma having fun watching the ballgame.

Our future ballplayer with his Daddy.

Playground fun, yee-haw!