Sunday, July 13, 2008

Letters and Numbers

So, we are practicing our letters and numbers with Sidney a lot now and teaching her how to spell her name. She can identify all of the alphabet and count to 10 but she adds her own Sidney style. Her favorite letter is 'A' and so everything that we spell starts with an 'A', don't tell her but so does 'Sidney'. As for her numbers, for some reason she doesn't like '7'. She skips it everytime, 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10. Sammy's softball number is '7' but she insists that it is an 8. Hilarious!

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Too cute!One of my favorite joys in life is watching/teaching a child to count!There is just something about it that melts my heart!